Games might have advanced a great deal in the last few decades, but let's face it, they just don't make creatures as cool as these ones anymore. But don't mistake these beasts for cannon fodder: when looking back through the lens of nostalgia, these scary, wacky, or weird little monsters are one of the things we remember the most fondly. Other games have you shooting up swarms of aliens, demons, or robots. Some games have you hopping on the heads of reptiles, then kicking them across the screen. But without a question, one of the single most recognizable gameplay elements of almost any classic game are the many monsters you get tangled up with. The trend was ignited by Twitter user who on August 7th, 2021, posted two fan art depicting Shamblers in such a way (shown below, left and right).There are a lot of common tropes that we recognize from all of our favorite games, particularly the old school ones that we grew up on: strange and bizarre quests, NPCs that repeat themselves, important objects floating over the ground (and glowing!), not to mention levels defined by color-coordinated key cards.
Mama Shambler refers to a series of fan art depicting Shambler as a mother of baby Shamblers, often referred to as "Shamblings." The fan art usually depicts Shambler nurturing or teaching Shamblings in a similar way to how a mother bear would nurture or teach her cubs. Quake artist Adrian Carmack and designer John Romero both stated that Shambler does not have fur. On February 5th, 2021, Twitter user posted asked about public consensus on whether Shambler is supposed to have fur, reigniting the debate on Twitter (tweet shown below, left). In 2012, another dedicated thread for the debate was created on Quake One. Shambler from Quake - Quake Shambler - 3D model by AbstractFigure. Fur" debate regarding Shambler is a March 2006 thread on Quake One forums. The earliest documented instance of the "Skin vs. The debate stems from various interpretations of Shambler's appearance in Quake with his model not clearly showing whether it has fur or not. Fur Debate refers to an online debate over whether Shambler is supposed to have fur or pale skin. In 20, more memes and fan art of Timbler were posted by KinoFabino and other users. On October 17th, following a meme posted by on that day, Twitter users and posted the earliest discovered fan art based on the character (shown below, left and center). On August 29th, 2019, content creator KinoFabino tweeted the original Timbler meme that gained over 390 retweets and 890 likes in two years (shown below, left), posting three more memes featuring the character in October and November 2019 (shown below, center and right).

The word is a portmanteau of "Timbs" (Timberlands) and "Shambler." Timbler is a version of Shambler wearing Timberland boots, an oversized yellow puffer jacket and a New York Yankees hat. In August 2021, following the release of the remastered version of Quake, multiple viral memes and fan art of Shambler were posted online. The character then again entered the public spotlight in February 2021 with the reignition of an older debate as to whether Shambler has fur. Dulle wrote:I know that there is all quake monsters at the Quake Doom, but their graphics isn't just so Doomish. The character first achieved limited attention as the subject of memes after in August 2019 content creator KinoFabino created Timbler, a version of Shambler wearing Timberland boots, an oversized yellow puffer jacket and a New York Yankees hat. Shambler 40 (Vader is doing his awesome shambler).

On July 31st, 2018, Twitter user posted an animation of Shambler dancing, with the tweet gaining over 210 retweets and 870 likes in three years (shown below, center). For example, on April 24th, 2009, DeviantArt user Autaux posted fan art that received over 20,000 views and was favorited over 310 times in 12 years (shown below, left).

Prior to 2019, Shambler saw limited presence in popular culture, mainly appearing in Quake fan art posted to various sites. Shambler will attack the player with claws and shoot lightning at him (demonstration video shown below). In the game, the player encounters the powerful enemy called Shambler, a large yeti-like beast with long claws and a fanged mouth that has the largest health pool among the enemies. On June 22nd, 1996, the first-person shooter video game Quake was released by id Software.